At the end of each school year, the Olga Gudynn Int’l School organizes an awards ceremony, which has already become a beautiful tradition, to award students with outstanding academic achievements and exemplary behavior, students who have shown initiative and involvement, and students who have distinguished themselves through their participation in interesting projects or national and international competitions.
These students are considered role models for other students in the school and they will help promote and instill the school’s values (tolerance, respect, honesty, empathy, good manners, modesty, altruism, and a passion for learning) within the community.
20 years ago, I dreamed of a school where children come with pleasure, where they feel safe, where they are loved and understood, where students discover their passions, where students and teachers are partners and friends, where students learn the meaning of respect, and where students learn to love and care for nature and those around them.
We have managed to turn everything we dreamed of into a reality, and this was made possible through a lot of hard work; many wonderful projects carried out throughout the years; and much dedication, devotion, and sacrifice from the entire Olga Gudynn Int’l School team.
Every year, we receive a lot of praise from visitors and our entire community. I would like to thank my wonderful colleagues who pour their hearts and souls into everything they do for the children every single day.
All of these extraordinary things would not have been possible without this team of passionate teachers and real leaders!
Olga Gudynn